The Student's Job

The Esko School District is committed to maintaining a safe, respective environment while transporting all students to and from school. All Students are expected to show respect towards fellow students and their property. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Every student, regardless of age, is responsible for following the rules outlined below.
At the bus stop, students are expected to:
  • Arrive five minutes before their scheduled pick-up time.
  • Be cooperative and respectful of property.
  • Stay a safe distance back from the roadway and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop.
  • Do not accept rides from strangers, even if you have missed the bus.
When boarding the bus, students are expected to:
  • Remain on the side of the road they reside on. If students must cross the street, they should walk 10 steps ahead of the bus.
  • Stop, look back at the bus driver and wait until the driver gives a hand signal to cross, and then look left, right and left before proceeding.
  • Walk quickly across the road, without stopping, turning back or running.
  • Hold large items or musical instruments on their laps or in seat area, but not in the aisle.
  • Enter in an orderly manner using the handrail. No pushing, shoving or crowding.
On the bus, students are expected to:
  • Take a seat promptly, remain seated and avoid moving around on the bus while in motion.
  • Follow the instructions of the driver promptly and respectfully.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. No pushing, shoving or horseplay.
  • Not put their head, arms, feet or any object out of the window.
  • Respect the vehicle. A student can be charged for damage/vandalism to the bus.
  • Not bring weapons, flammable materials or any other dangerous or objectionable object on the bus.
  • Not fight, use abusive language/jesters, light incendiary devices or use tobacco products.
  • Not throw, flip or propel objects on the bus.
When leaving the bus, students are expected to:
  • Remain seated until the bus has completely stopped and then exit without pushing or crowding.
  • Use the handrail when leaving the bus.
  • Move away from the bus after stepping onto the roadway.
  • If students must cross the road, they should walk 10 steps ahead of the bus. Stop, look back at the bus driver and wait until the driver gives a hand signal to cross; then look left, right and left before proceeding. Walk quickly across the street, without stopping, turning back or running.
The danger zones outside of the bus are 10 feet in front of and 10 feet on the right side of the bus. The rear of the bus is a "keep out" area. The vast majority of bus accidents and injuries to students occur outside of the bus in these areas. Students are directed to be no closer than 10 feet to the bus, except when loading and unloading. If students drop papers, lunch boxes or other objects while loading or unloading from the bus the student must get the attention of the driver. Please remind your children they must never try to retrieve books or papers from around or underneath the bus. The driver may not be able to see them! We suggest children keep all paper and articles in a backpack.
In winter students should:
  • Be dressed in warm winter clothing, hats, mittens and boots.
  • Use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping on icy steps or road surfaces.
  • Not stand or play on snow piles at the bus stop. Students playing on snow piles could slide into the road in the path of oncoming traffic.
Severe weather conditions may result in:
  • A one or two-hour delay in opening school
  • Closing schools for the entire day, or
  • Closing schools before the end of the normal day
When the Esko School District is closed or starts late/closes early, because of severe weather or other emergencies, information is shared with the public in several ways.
  • New for Esko parents:The Infinite campus messengerprogram will send an e-mail, cell phone, or home phone (or all three) message, alerting to any closings.
  • TV and Radio- Duluth and Cloquet television and radio stations are notified and information is available on their broadcasts.