2024 Forms and Letters for Athletes/Parents

Important Dates/Times/Items to Remember:

(Please note that all practice/meet times/locations are also located on the Esko CC website and the Polar League website)

August 12, 2024:         First day of practice.  We will meet at 7:00 AM in Ms. Kyes’s room.  You MUST be registered through the high school athletic registration site before you can practice!

August 19, 2024:         Athletic fees are due.  If you have not paid by this time you cannot participate in practice or meets until fees are paid.  $175 for varsity / $100 for junior high.  Fees are to be paid online on the same site you signed up for CC or can be paid in the high school office.  Coaches will not collect or handle any sports fee monies at any time.

September 3, 2024:    First day of school.  We will meet at 3:30 PM in Ms. Kyes’s room.

·         Practice will be Monday – Friday and start at 7:00 AM until school starts. 

·         Once school begins, practice will start at 3:30 PM.  Time for practices on early release days (Wednesdays) will be at 2:30 PM.

·         Please note there may be one meet on Saturday.

·         Practices are typically 90 minutes but may run longer or shorter depending on what we do/where we practice.

·         We use the Remind app to communicate any changes to the practice or meet schedule.  Use class code: @eskocro

Coaches Contact Information:

Head Coach Jerimy Hallsten

[email protected]

Assistant Coach Liz Kyes

[email protected]

This page also has downloadable copies (below) of the 2024 Esko CC schedule, the Esko CC Lettering Criteria and Philosophy and various information letters. 

2024 CC Schedule.pdf
Cross Country Lettering and Philosophy.pdf
CC 2024 LETTER.pdf

Please check back to this page in the near future for additional information.