Pre-K Programs


Our Pre-K programs are 4-star Parent Aware rated.  These programs, through age-appropriate curriculum, deliver high quality, developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically responsive care and education that supports families in nurturing their child's healthy development and learning. 
Email Melanie with any questions at [email protected]
Our program focus:
Child led, play based learning
Children are always learning
Make sure families & children receive instruction, services & supports so that they are successful in school
Strengths based mindset
School should be welcoming and joyful for all
Enhancing personal, social, and physical development

All children must be toilet trained by the start of class.  

Stepping Stones
For children age 3 by September 1st
Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:45-11:15 AM
School Readiness
For children age 4 by September 1st
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:30 -11:00 AM OR
12:30-3:00 PM
School Readiness Discovery
For children age 4 by September 1st
Wednesdays & Fridays
8:30-11:00 AM
Children may enroll in both School Readiness & Discovery. Register for the programs in Eleyo.

_Parent Handbook 2024.docx.pdf 

Scholarship Information

Sliding Fee Scales
Stepping Stones fees 24-25 - Sheet1.pdf
School Readiness Discovery Fee 24-25Chart-.xlsx - 2.pdf
School Readiness 24-25 fees.xlsx -.pdf
Payment Plans are set up using credit cards in Eleyo.

All children entering Stepping Stones, School Readiness, and Discovery must be fully toilet trained. 
Children must be able to use the toilet and clean themselves independently. This includes being able to communicate with staff their need to go, dressing and undressing themselves and physically using the toilet. Children should not be wearing diapers or pull-ups, as we do not have adequate facilities or training for changing diapers.  Please notify the School Readiness Coordinator regarding any concerns in this area. Recurring bathroom accidents will require a parent meeting with the School Readiness Coordinator and Community Education Director.

Recurring bathroom accidents is defined as a child soiling their pants once per day over the course of a 2-3 day period.