March Math Madness
The month of March is upon us and we are dedicating it to MATH! Part of your child’s weekly home work during the month of March is to spend 40- 60 minutes on a variety of math related activities. Similar to the reading calendar, track the minutes spent and which activity on the calendar on the reverse side. The weekly time should not be spent on one isolated activity. Variety is essential! This should be kept in the take home folder and I will check it on Friday.
Optional activities include:
Flashcards (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)—Start at the level where your mathematician is comfortable and then progress. If you need flashcards, let me know. They are also available at the dollar store.
Planet Turtle—Your mathematician has access to this on-line program. In their assignment notebooks, they should have written their username and password (lunch number). Access it from the school website or at
Top It—Shuffle the cards and place the deck number-side down on the table. Each player turns over 2 cards and calls out the sum (addition), difference (subtraction), product (multiplication). Which ever player has the largest answer collects all the cards. This process continues until all cards are played. The winner with the most cards wins.
Virtual Manipulatives OR there is a link on the classroom website.
Use our classroom website off the Esko homepage to find math links to play!
Other games and resources are available for check out in the classroom!