Classroom Constitution
Based on the Responsive Classroom philosophy, our classroom began with identifying our hopes & dreams of our fourth grade year together. These became the foundation for building our classroom constitution. What sort of classroom do we need in order for everyone to accomplish their hope & dream? This is the process we followed to determine the following Classroom Constitution.

Be respectful.
Be responsible.
Be safe.
Be YOUR best.
Have fun while learning!


Our classroom will be run following the Responsive Classroom model. If a child is not following the constitution he/she will be asked to “Take A Break.” This means the child will go to an assigned chair and return when he/she feels ready to rejoin the class. This is a warning to the child that the behavior needs to change. If the child continues to break the constitution the child will be asked to “Take A Break” again. At that time the child will go to an assigned chair and will only be able to return to his/her desk after we have had a short discussion. If a child receives a third “Take A Break” he/she will be given a “Time-Out for Thinking” form and be assigned to another room until the sheet is filled out. Once the form is filled out I will meet with the child to discuss the plan for a successful rest of the day. This form will go home for you to sign. If a child would receive a fourth “Take A Break” in one day, the child would be sent to Mr. Harker's office. In severe cases a child will be immediately sent to Mr. Harker.